CBD oil offers an effective and natural approach to managing anxiety. It works by decreasing GABA activity in the brain. Studies conducted both on lab animals and humans have confirmed its ability to ease their anxiety.

Antidepressants also work by increasing serotonin levels; hence their combined use can be effective against depression.

How it works

CBD has made headlines as a potential cure for many health conditions, including anxiety-related disorders. Early research indicates it could be safe and effective treatment options; more needs to be done before making definitive statements about this phenomenon.

CBD increases serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to promote feelings of happiness and wellbeing while decreasing symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Furthermore, CBD acts on CB1 receptors located within the amygdala to block them from activating an arousal response that could otherwise ensue.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that CBD could interact with medications and dietary supplements, so always consult your physician prior to using CBD. If there are concerns about any interactions, opt for a broad-spectrum CBD product instead of an isolate – the former contains THC which may worsen anxiety symptoms in certain people while an established company will thoroughly test their products to ensure they’re safe and free of contaminants.


Beginning with a low dose and gradually increasing it is recommended to ensure maximum benefit with minimum side effects. Furthermore, prior to trying CBD for anxiety it is wise to consult your physician; this step is especially essential if taking other medications at the same time.

Anxiety is a normal part of human experience, yet when left uncontrolled it can be debilitating. That’s why many turn to CBD for anxiety relief; research shows it to be helpful with various forms of anxiety disorders like GAD, SAD and PTSD as well as stress reduction and serotonin enhancement; making CBD an excellent solution for anyone experiencing this struggle while wanting to sidestep adverse side effects associated with medications.

Side effects

CBD products such as gummies and oils are becoming widely available to treat anxiety-related ailments, and its supporters believe it could treat numerous other medical problems as well. More research must be conducted before conclusive proof can be provided on its effectiveness.

CBD contains phytocannabinoids that interact with the endocannabinoid system to relieve stress and regulate mood. However, unlike marijuana which contains THC as a psychoactive component, CBD doesn’t contain this psychoactive element either.

CBD was shown to significantly reduce anxiety among those suffering from social anxiety disorder during a simulated public speaking test, possibly by increasing levels of serotonin which has been shown to reduce stress.

Research needs to be conducted on whether CBD could serve as an anxiolytic in other populations, including children or women, and to see whether it could replace traditional medications like antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which treat low serotonin levels; such drugs only become available with valid prescription and may cause side effects like nausea and dry mouth.


CBD has proven itself an effective anxiety treatment. Furthermore, it’s safe for use alongside antidepressant medications and acts by engaging the endocannabinoid system and controlling serotonin production.

However, it’s essential that you select a quality product. Too much THC in CBD could actually increase anxiety instead of decreasing it; if this concerns you, choose strains with high CBD-to-THC ratios.

Studies have demonstrated the anxiolytic properties of CBD oil, making it a viable therapy option for anxiety disorders, including GAD, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder.

Magnesium can also help alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Another natural solution to anxiety, magnesium can improve sleep quality and alleviate muscle tension. Aiming for more magnesium in your diet through nuts, seeds and leafy veggies as well as taking supplements could help make you feel calmer; so speak to your healthcare provider regarding what amount is needed.

By James