Cannabis strains are like fingerprints; each variety possesses unique chemical ratios that produce various effects. Deliberating which effects you want to experience will help narrow your choices down further.

Starting off on the right foot means carefully inspecting a sample of flower. High-grade buds feature attractive visuals and aromas from desirable terpenes while having an appropriate cannabinoid profile.


Cannabis may be associated with green hues, but most people know that marijuana comes in various hues besides just green. Purples, pinks, blues, reds and oranges are all natural colors found within various strains of flower.

Colorful flowers can be seen due to anthocyanins, produced during flowering stage of plants. Anthocyanins help block chlorophyll production so other pigments may come through more clearly.

Though color doesn’t directly reveal potency or effects, it can give us a good indication of quality and consistency. Look for deep hues that remain unchanged after drying and curing to get an indication of quality and consistency.


Trichomes, or hairlike growths found on cannabis leaves and flower buds, add to its unique aroma while simultaneously producing cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and more that combine for the entourage effect.

Bulbous trichomes are the smallest of three types of trichomes. Resembling mushroom caps, these little knobs can be found primarily on sugar leaves, fan leaves and stems of plants as they mature – housing precursor compounds which will eventually mature into cannabinoids and terpenes over time.

Capitate-sessile trichomes are the largest of three trichome types. Resembling mushroom caps, these structures can be found most commonly on cannabis flower surfaces and store cannabinoids and terpenes within their sticky resin.


Taste is determined by its terpene profile, which can vary depending on which parts of the plant they come from, as well as your personal tastes, which are usually determined by other foods and drinks you like to enjoy.

Cannabis flowers are an extremely versatile form of marijuana that can be utilized in numerous ways. From smoking and vaping them, to eating or using them to craft topicals or edibles, cannabis flowers come with various potencies, hues, hue profiles and terpene profiles that should be stored properly and maintained to remain potency and freshness.


Cannabis flower, also referred to as “bud” or “herb”, is the portion of the cannabis plant which can be smoked. It is widely considered the most popular form of marijuana and used in various ways such as smoking, vaping, and edibles.

An aroma is one of the hallmarks of quality cannabis flowers, determined by how much terpenes they express – fragrant oils which lend each strain its signature scent and flavor.

Cannabis flower’s smell may linger in the air, so you should ventilate or use a scented candle to eliminate any unpleasant odors. Furthermore, clothes and curtains should also be laundered regularly to get rid of any residual scents.


When purchasing cannabis flower, you want to be certain you’re receiving an adequate dosage of THC. Unfortunately, understanding cannabis measurements such as grams and ounces as well as THC potency percentages can be challenging.

Cannabis flower is the classic form of marijuana, used for smoking or vaping. It comes in different strains that offer various effects, flavors and aromas; when selecting cannabis flowers it’s important to consider factors like potency, THC:CBD ratios and terpene profiles when selecting them; alternatively extracts like oils and shatter may offer more precise dosing and faster onset effects.


Tolerance refers to accepting someone else’s opinions and beliefs without prejudice or judgment, so this translates into selecting the cannabis strain that meets your individual needs, regardless of its popularity or perceived value. Cannabis flower has unique properties which create specific effects depending on which terpenes and cannabinoids it contains; THC is responsible for producing psychoactive effects (the “high”) while CBD reportedly helps relieve pain, anxiety and inflammation without producing psychoactive side-effects.

Top-shelf cannabis offers an aesthetically pleasing appearance, desirable terpene aromas and flavors, and high cannabinoid content. If you are new to cannabis, start slow and gradually increase dosage until desired effects have been experienced.

Method of Consumption

Cannabis flowers can be utilized in numerous ways, but smoking remains the preferred approach. When smoking releases cannabinoids into your system through your lungs and directly interact with the endocannabinoid system for rapid effects.

Smoking marijuana flower can be harsh on both the lungs and throat, but there are various smoke-filtering devices that can make for a more pleasant experience. Experimentation with different papers such as hemp or rice can alter both flavor and burn rate for optimal enjoyment.

Decarboxylation, the process used to convert acid forms of cannabinoids (CBCa, CBGa and THCa) to potency psychoactive forms for consumption as edibles, must take place for cannabis flower to become psychoactive and useful in edible products.

By James